Students are expected to set standard of good conducts . Because a school is judged by good conduct & manners if its students . So they must observe the following school rules sincerely .
1. Punctuality :- All the students must reach the school campus five minutes before the school bell .
2.Regularity :-
• Students must attend the school regularly .
• No student can avail leave without prior permission.
• Permission for long leave has to be sought from the principal .
• Any student absenting himself from school for more than 4 days without prior permission, will be struck off the roles . Re-admission will be granted only after the payment of a heavy fine. • Must produce a medical certificate to the same effect.
3.Cleanliness :- Students should always be nearly dressed with their black shoes polished and hair combed properly on all days . clean shaved boys should support a neat hair cut . Use of hair gel is strictly forbidden. Girl’s long hair should be in two plaits with ribbon (upto 10 std.) . Girls are not allowed to use nail polished ,mehendi, make-up or grow long nails. Fashionable dresses are not allowed .
4. Pocket Money and costly Articles:-
Students are not allowed to bring costly articles specially gold jewellery to the school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of my such items .
5. Use of Motor vehicle- STRICTLY PROHIBITED:-
Use of any motor vehicle is strictly prohibited . All the students should either use the transport or should come with parents.
6. Leaving the school premises:- Student are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the principle.
7. Identity card and school diary :- Students must bring their diaries and i-card to the school daily .
8. Conduct :-
• Students are required to go to the assembly ground as soon as bell for assembly rings. They must move in an orderly manner and in proper lines. • To come out of the class without an exit pass is an offence
• No student should shout or whistle in the school premises .
• A student should start in attention while speaking to teacher or elders . Boys should not put their hands in their pockets while taking to teachers or elders.
9. School property :- Students must maintain all the school property and furniture with proper care and attention . Any damage done shall have to be paid by the doer.
10. Mobile phone strictly prohibited :- The students are not allowed to bring mobile phone in school .
11. Conversation in English :- As the medium of instruction is English , students should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home . In the school campus , student have to speak I English . Abusive language is strictly prohibited .
12. Parents teacher meeting :- Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into classrooms during the working hours . So they are requested to spare their valuable time to attend the parents teacher meeting . whenever called , and so sort out the problems if any , in respect of their ward.
13. Visitor:- Don’t send strangers in school to your ward, no student will be handed over to such a person .

Statements made by Parents/Guardians :- I have read the rules and regulations of the school and I promise to abide by them and see that my child also confirms to the standard required by him/her in conduct and studies.