For Nursery : Age should be 3+ years as on 31st March of the year of admission.
For I : Age should be 6+ years as on 31st March of the year of admission.
The school admits students in K.G to 8th classes only. Admission to these classes depends upon the number of seats allotted. Admission takes place in Feb., March/April every year. All students seeking admission to various classes are required to get their names registered for admission from 15th November to 31st December to proceeding year. The new session starts from the month of April. The admission is based on the general ability in Mathematics, English and Punjabi. In 9th & 11th class, admission is granted on the basis of performance in the previous class and the written test conducted in the school. In classes X & XII, admissions are not granted as a matter of policy.
For new admissions ,the following documents are required to be deposited in the school office along with the admission form:
• Attested photocopy of the original birth certificate
• Two passport size photographs of student and parents
Students who seek admission in other classes are also required to submit the following documents at the time of admission:
• The School Leaving/ Transfer Certificate, E-PUNJAB certificate and U-Dise PEN number from the school last attended.
• The report of progress for the class last passed.
• Ensure the details filled at the time of admission are thoroughly verified and checked as no changes in the basic details of the child such as sur name, date of birth etc. will be accepted later on.