Code of Conduct for the Students


Students are expected to maintain the standard of good conduct because a school is judged by good conduct & manners of its students. So they must observe the following school rules sincerely.
1. Punctuality: All the students must reach the school campus five minutes before the school bell. Students are not permitted to enter the school after commencement of school time and can be asked to go back. If a student arrive school late, parents will be called to take the child back.
2. Regularity: * Students must attend the school regularly.
* No student will be availed leave without prior permission.
* No leave will be granted during the exam days.
* Attendance on the first day of the school after vacation is absolutely essential.
* Any student absenting himself from school for more than 4 days without prior permission, will be struck off the rolls. Re-admission will be granted only after the payment of a heavy fine.
* Students who remain absent even for one day should submit an application (available in the diary) from the parents, stating the cause of absence. In case of sickness, they must produce a medical certificate to the same effect.
* School reserves the right to ask the parents to withdraw a child, on account of low academic progress or on ground of misconduct and/or indiscipline. * If for some domestic reason, a student requires a half day or some hours of leave, parents/guardians are advised not to send their wards to school for the day.
3. Behaviour: Students should be polite and disciplined wherever they go. They should greet all the teachers, helpers and other staff members whenever and wherever they meet them.
4. Cleanliness: Students should always be neatly dressed with their black shoes polished and hair combed properly on all days. Id card is compulsory. Clean shaven boys should support a hair cut. Use of hair gel is strictly forbidden. Girl's long hair should be in two folded double plaits with ribbon (upto 12 std.). Girls are not allowed to use nail polish, mehendi, make-up or grow long nails. Fashionable dresses are not allowed. All students should have trimmed nails.
5. Pocket Money and Costly Articles : Students are not allowed to bring costly articles especially gold jewellery, smart watches to the school. Such items will be confiscated. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of any such items. Bringing money to school is not allowed. Borrowing or lending money as well as exchanging articles is prohibited. The school does not accept responsibility for loss of books, stationery things, money or valuables.
6. Use of Motor Vehicles - STRICTLY PROHIBITED: Use of any motor vehicle is strictly prohibited. All students should either use the school transport or come with parents.
7. Leaving the school premises: Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal.
8. Identity Card and School Diary: Students must bring their diaries and I-card to the school daily.
9. Conduct:
* Students are required to go to the assembly ground as soon as bell for assembly rings. They must move in an orderly manner and in proper lines.
* To come out of the class without an exit pass is an offence.
* A student should stand in attention while speaking to teacher or elders. Boys should not put their hands in their pockets while talking to teacher, elders and senior students.
* No student should shout or whistle in the school premises.
* Don't litter in the school premises and use dustbins provided for throwing bits of paper etc. They are expected to keep their classrooms and campus neat and clean.
*Throwing things outside the windows, physically hurting anyone inside the classroom, in the corridor or outside the school, throwing any objects at anyone is strictly forbidden.
* Classroom discipline should be maintained.
* Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
10. School property: Care must be taken of all the school property and no student should damage, deface, destroy or spoil desks, chair or other furniture or write/ draw anything on the walls or in no way damage the things belonging to others. Any reported damage will be dealt with strict action. In case of vandalism, the cost of damage incurred will be borne by the defaulter and additional fine of Rs. 2000/- will be levied. Any student who refuses to adhere to the school norms despite getting repeated warning will be sent home/rusticated or expelled.
11. School Uniform: Students should take pride in wearing their school uniform. They should not wear the school uniform in any public place outside the school.

12. Attendance: It is essential for students to maintain a minimum attendance of 75% per term in order to be eligible for per term/final examination.
13. Examination Code: * It is compulsory to get the student’s roll no. slip issued from the school for the examination. No student will be allowed to sit in exams without roll no. slip.
* They should never cheat, be unfair, steal from others or borrow others’ belongings during the Examination. If caught doing so, the Exam of student will be cancelled.
*Retest for the final examination will not be conducted under any circumstances.
* In case of full working day, students are not allowed to leave after the periodic test under any circumstances. Medical cases will be attended to only at the sole discretions of the Principal.
14 . Mobile phone Strictly Prohibited:
* The students are not allowed to bring mobile phones in school. In case if a student brings the phone for any reasons, the school has the right to confiscate the mobile phone.
* Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities that any student is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on mobile devices.
15. Conversation in English: As the medium of instruction is English, students should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home. In the school campus, students have to speak in English. Abusive language is strictly prohibited.
16. Parents Teacher Meeting: Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into the classrooms during the working hours. So they are requested to spare their valuable time to attend the parents-teacher meeting. Whenever called and so to sort out the problems if any, in respect of their ward.
17. Visitor: Don't send strangers in school to get your ward. No student will be handed over to such a person.
18. Students are advised not to have private tuition. Parents are urged to encourage their children to do their daily work diligently and honestly and to pay utmost attention to the studies in the classroom. If there be real need for help, contact the Principal.
19. Students are forbidden to give any gift to teacher.
20. Parents are requested to maintain the pleasant dressing. In case of girls, the variety to dress option is so large, that the parents are requested to choose such dresses that preserves the ethos of the campus.
21. No birthday gifts in any form are allowed. Distribution of any gift is prohibited. Students need to wear school uniform even on their birthday.
22. Prohibitions: Students are not allowed to upload any school photograph on the social media. Any student indulging in such an activity on the social media will face disciplinary action.
23. Students are not allowed to bring sharp instrument like knives, blades, nail cutter, scissors etc. to the school.
24. Exploding crackers or splashing colours on any occasion in the school premises is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance with these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
25. Students should wear a normal sized ‘kada’.